Porcelain Dental Veneers: Lending Aesthetic Perfection to your Smiles
“Mirror, mirror on the wall,
I wish I had the brightest smile of them all!”
Have you ever looked at the condition of your teeth and wistfully imagined what it would take to make them dazzling bright? Do you despair because of the stains on your teeth and feel conscious about smiling openly in social gatherings?
Don’t fret like this. No matter what condition your teeth might be in, they needn’t impact your life negatively. You can take heart in knowing that the solution to your problems most probably lies in a magical thing known as porcelain veneers. All right, it’s not all that ‘magical’, but that doesn’t mean it won’t make life easier for you.
Curious? Then let’s find out a little more about dental veneers
What are porcelain veneers?
Dental veneers (also known as porcelain laminates or porcelain veneers) are custom made shells that cover the surface of your teeth. Wafer-thin in nature, porcelain veneers are used to impart aesthetic uniformity and cover defects.
What kind of defects do porcelain veneers fix?
Porcelain veneers are used to fix dental problems like
- Discoloration due to excessive fluoride or root canal treatment
- Staining caused by resin fillings or drugs like tetracycline
- Worn out, chipped or broken teeth
- Misaligned, irregularly shaped or uneven teeth
- Teeth that have gaps between them
Are there some problems that cannot be corrected by porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are not recommended for people who are suffering from dental problems like gum disease or teeth decay. Also, those who have weak teeth caused by fracture or dental fillings and people who have insufficient amount of tooth enamel are advised not to go in for porcelain veneers. Finally, patients who suffer from bruxism should not get teeth veneers since the habit of clenching and grinding their teeth can crack or chip the porcelain.
How do porcelain veneers compare to resin composite materials?
It’s always advisable to discuss the choice of veneers with your personal dentist. That said, here’s a quick look at what porcelain and resin veneers offer you. The former are known to be highly stain resistant and are able to reflect light better. This means that porcelain veneers are able to mimic the natural appearance of teeth better than resin composites. On the other hand, resin veneers are thinner than their porcelain counterparts. As a result, they will need less of the tooth’s surface to be removed when being placed.
How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?
Porcelain veneers will go strong for about 5-10 years, after which time, they will have to be replaced.
Are Porcelain Veneers High on Maintenance?
Porcelain veneers do not need any special care as such and you are advised to follow all the oral hygiene practices (brushing, flossing, mouthwash, etc) you normally do. However, dentists do advise you to consume less of stain-causing foods like red wine, tea, or coffee in moderation. Avoid chewing on hard objects (pencils, nails, ice, etc) or putting a lot of pressure on your teeth since this can cause the veneers to dislodge. Although this is not a very common problem, it’s always best to take preventive measures instead of having the veneers fall off and causing embarrassment.