Teach Your Kids to Clean Your Teeth the Fun Way
For us brushing is almost second nature. After we wake up and get out of bed, we just reach for the toothbrush and brush away, sometimes half-groggily, and even so manage to get it almost right every single time.
However, brushing doesn’t come that naturally to children. In fact, when you get right down to it, kids can resist brushing their teeth in the same way that they put up a fight when you ask them to eat veggies or take a bath. However, you can ease them into the ritual and make them a little more enthusiastic about cleaning their teeth with the following tips.
1. Model good behavior: If you are happy and chirpy when brushing your teeth, your kids will stop thinking of it as a chore. When it looks like fun to them, they will be more than happy to jump in on the bandwagon.
2. Take him shopping: When picking up supplies for your kid, take him along with you. Let him pick out his own toothpaste and toothbrush. You may not be over the moon when you see that cartoon figure on the toothbrush or the glittery handle in bright colors, but for your toddlers, it’s an incentive to brush his teeth and be excited when doing so.
3. Make up a story: Use your imagination to convey the importance of brushing their teeth. Tell them of ‘plaque monsters’ that need to be fought or ‘molar mutants’ that are hiding in the hard to reach areas of the mouth. Illustrate how ‘sugar bugs’ can destroy the teeth by making tiny holes in them and how brushing properly can prevent that from happening. A good story can get them on board and make them eager to keep their teeth squeaky clean.
4. Make it fun: Make these learning sessions fun for your children.Let them bring their favorite doll or stuffed toy into the bathroom and brush its teeth. Sing the alphabet to help them count time. Brush along with them and do a little jig in front of the mirror to lighten things up. Encourage your kids to create bubbles and have a contest on who can make the most. Do whatever it takes to make brushing enjoyable. Your kid will be less likely to shy away from the ritual when he sees how much fun it is.
5. Keep your expectations low: Do not expect your kid to start cleaning their teeth like pros right from the beginning. He won’t be able to reach into all those tight spots just yet and will probably forget to clean the gum lines. Don’t get so hung up on technique right away. It’s more important to instill the habit. You can tweak the technique in good time.
6. Take turns to brush: If you feel that your kid’s teeth aren’t getting the proper cleaning they deserve, take turns at cleaning them. Let him brush in the morning while you take over at night. This way, he can practice in the morning and get a refresher on the technique at night.
7. Get yourself an ally: Sometimes, the process of initiating children into a dental care routine isn’t easy. Seek an ally in your dental practitioner. Get him to praise your kid for the effort he’s putting in and encourage him to do better. Also, getting instructions from someone in authority might just be the push your kid needs when he slips up. And, who better to demonstrate good brushing techniques than a dentist. It’s good to have him by your side.