The Importance of Having your Teeth Cleaned Professionally
Most people don’t thinking of visiting their dentist unless they want the crowns placed or cavities filled. After all, why would you need to seek professional help if all is well and nothing is hurting, moving, or bleeding?
Those of you who subscribe to this belief system have a rude shock coming your way. There’s an overwhelming amount of research and data establishing a connection between oral health and the overall well-being of an individual. So, what you dismiss as just “polishing” or “cleaning” could be the thing that is keeping you safe from systemic diseases.
At the very least, regular dental cleaning at the hands of a professional could bring in the following benefits:
1. Detects Oral Cancer
According to statistics released by the Oral Cancer Foundation, oral cancer claims the life of one American every hour. What’s sad is that most of these deaths could have been prevented if the condition had been diagnosed at an early stage. When you book a professional cleaning session, among other things, the dentist will screen you for oral cancer. You’ll never have to worry about this condition creeping up on you silently and wreaking havoc on your personal life.
2. Gives you a Brighter Smile
Who doesn’t love being complimented for their beautiful smile? We all do. At the same time, we’re also familiar with the feeling of being ashamed of the stains on our teeth. To ensure that your smile remains dazzling forever, get your teeth professionally cleaned every few months. It will take care of the discoloration that occurs when you drink too much coffee, tea, or aerated drinks. In addition, your dentist will remove the plaque and tartar from your teeth and polish them thoroughly.
Prevention of Gum Diseases
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, has been identified as the primary cause of tooth loss among adults. And most gum diseases stem from plaque. What’s that, you may ask. Plaque is a sticky film that sticks to your teeth and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria that produce toxins, leading to gingivitis and inflammation of the gums. If left untreated, the tissues of the gums get destroyed and can even lead to teeth rot. Regular cleaning at the hands of a professional can help nip this problem in the bud.
Eliminates Bad Breath
While people with bad breath tend to be at the receiving end of a lot of jokes, social stigma is probably the least of their concern. They have more serious problems to turn their attention to. Halitosis (persistent bad breath) can be attributed to a variety of factors like coating on the tongue, gum disease, unclean dentures, food particles stuck between the teeth, throat infections, or oral carcinomas. Regular cleaning sessions and checkups by a professional can facilitate good oral hygiene.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for you to get your teeth professionally cleaned every 5-6 months. No matter how diligently you follow an oral hygiene routine at home, professional intervention is needed every now and then. So, without further ado, get in touch with a qualified professional and book the earliest appointment to get your teeth cleaned.